New Reviews and Tutorials on the way!


Posted by Random on Sunday, December 16, 2012 In : Articles 
I will be talking about Marbles today. I will talk about the game of marbles, how to play, and other various things about them.

What do Marbles look like 
 Well they are round. They do come in many colors and varieties. Like for instance there are orange, blue, red, green, yellow marbles. There are clear see through ones, and there are solid ones. The solid ones are usually black and white, with a few spots of other colors on them. They also come in many sizes. There are large and small (Which ...

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My Thoughts On Gamil

Posted by Random on Saturday, December 1, 2012 In : Articles 
Hello once again. In this, I'll be discussing my thoughts on Gmail which is Google Email. I will be discussing what I like and dislike about it. Also I will tell you my thoughts on the other things on Gmail(Google docs, calendar, etc...).
So on Gmail, you can do the basic things you could do with any other email. You can compose messages, save drafts, star emails, receive emails, and delete them, and all the basics. But there are a lot of awesome and cool things with Gmail. First thing is tha...

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New Star Wars Movie

Posted by Random on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 In : Articles 
I'm back once again, and about time to! I will be trying to get back into the Friday night articles, I've just been so busy lately so anyway I'm here for another interesting article. So around last week or so, George Lucas, the maker of the Star Wars series, has give the rights of Star Wars to the company of Disney. Now Disney has said that they will be making more Star Wars movies. So today I'm here to tell you what my thoughts on this are, and what the next movie is going to be based on, al...
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Top 10 Photo's I've Made

Posted by Random on Saturday, October 6, 2012 In : Articles 
Hello! I will be showing you guys my personal favorite top 10 photo's I've made! You may have never seen any of these before. That is because there not on the website, but on my Facebook, and Twitter. So if your interested in these pictures, then check out all of them at Facebook, or Twitter! So without further ado, let's start!

 This was a button I made, as you can see it says "Random" on it.
#9:I made this, because I did an epic fail in my computer chess game. It's pretty funny I would...

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Temple Run Review

Posted by Random on Friday, September 14, 2012 In : Reviews 
Hello people, and this time around I'll be giving my thoughts on the phone game, Temple Run. First a few things to talk about, I'll now be having the regular Friday evening articles! So be expecting some awesome articles on your way, starting with this one! So yeah without further ado, let's start!

 You can play Temple Run on any smart phone. Temple Run if a very popular, and addicting game. The object of the game is that you stole this treasurer from this temple, and these monkeys start chasi...

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My Thoughts of Google +

Posted by Random on Saturday, September 1, 2012 In : Articles 
Hello people, sorry I haven't been posting many articles, or anything on the website, I've been busy with school and other things, but since I have a 3 day weekend I'm going to get back to the hang of things, and might be doing updates on school days as well! 

 So this time around, I'll be talking about what I think of the newer Social Network, Google +.

Google +, made by Google,  hasn't been out that long. I think it was out last November or sometime around then, but I'm not sure. Google + has...

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My Top 20 Games of All Time

Posted by Random on Friday, August 3, 2012 In : Articles 
Hey guys! Sorry about no articles, or news lately, I've been busy, and enjoying summer, but I'll get back into, since school is coming soon! Also before we begin, I have made a new banner for the site, and it looks awesome! I also made a new Profile picture for Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter, and Google +! So without further ado, let's get this started...

 So this will be a different thing, then just a regular article, I will be giving you my top 20 games of all time, and note that these are f...
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