So now this is the detail news article that I will tell you what I have changed on the site. Ok so the first major change is if you look on the "Funny Pics" page you will see instead of having all the pictures I've made like this 


And it was like that on that page, but there was a lot more so you had to scroll down to see all the pictures, and even when you did when you came up to some of the pics you couldn't tell where the border of the pic was and it was a complete mess. Well now it have organize all the pictures into a gallery and you can click on any of them and just click the next button to see the next picture. The newest picture I've made will be in the gallery and on the page it's self but only the newest pic so it won't get cluttered up.

The next thing that you would notice big time is right on the home page. There is this small sidebar on the bottom of your screen and when you scroll down, the bar goes down as well. That is called a "Meebo Bar" and on the bar you can share the pages the bar is on, and for the time being the pages it's on is the home page, funny pics, and link pages. Also on the bar you can see some of my youtube videos I've made, along with some tweets I've made on Twitter (Which now I have 12 followers on there now). And there is the FB page along with the link to my Ustream account, and a couple of pages on the site ( Comics, and html stuff). Also with the Meebo bar, you can chat on various websites that lets you chat
like Facebook, Yahoo, Google Talk etc... So yeah the bar is just to help people navigate to my social networks and also lets you share the site pages, text on the site, and pictures on the site. So hopefully that help my Social networks grow as well as the site. 

 Now on the Games page, I've got rid of some of the games that people don't play (like that snake game, and anti pacman), so to replace those games I've add newer,cooler games to the page. One of the games is called "Ninja Frog" and the other game is a shooting game. So go check the better games out and there will be some more up on the page though the course of this week. 

 On the Comics page, I've made a new comic called "The Computer" and put it under "other comics", but now on the front comics page, the newest comics I make will be in their categories as well as the front page so you guys can see them easier.

  On the Html stuff page, I have found some cool html codes so I decided to play with a couple of them on that page. The kinds of cool things on that page is an calculator, a moving space background (You'll see what I mean if you go to that page), some tables, a mouse thing just check it out for yourself and the best one of them all. On the top of the page, you will see this "headline" thing on the top that says by Wesley and James and it's moving from left to right. So I liked that idea so I also added it to the News page so it's on the top also, but the text that will be scrolling is quick news thing like new picture or new comic etc... short stuff like that so you don't have to make a whole news post about it.


 Also on the Social networks they are doing good. On the Facebook page, "Random", there is 36 likes. Oh yeah while I'm mentioning the FB page, on March 30th all the FB pages got the dreaded timeline and so did my page. It's not that bad actually and you can make a "Mile stone" so that means like an achievement you have done. And you get this huge banner on the top of your page.

  On the Twitter account "@Randomidkness", I've gotten 12 followers and 45 tweets! That's a good start since I've only been on Twitter since the 10th of March.

  On the Youtube channel "RANDOMIDKNESS" , I have 84 videos, and 133 subscribers. That really good. I also have 3,189 video views all together and the highest video view I have is 435 views.

  And on the Google +, still only 6 followers and I don't have much activity on there as the others but I'll try to build an audience there too.

So now since I'll be making videos every often day, and updating the Social Networks more, and updating the site every week, I'll need some help since the site is new and improve. 

 This is the stuff I need help with

  •  Need someone to make news posts and/or articles. You can do this on a document (Google Docs would work the best for my needs, but any document would do.) or a Facebook message to my page "Random" which you can send messages to. The articles can be about Video games, Videos, your opinion on things, deals on random stuff (like eBay etc...) Favorite music, or interesting stuff you come across.
  • Need people to spread the word about the Site and the Social Networks. (Easy Job) 
  • Need people to make some good comics (if you want to do this send me a contact us form, and I'll tell you how to do the comics. And need people to make good original Epic Fail pictures ( You probably need a photo editor or at least paint).
  • Need people to go around online and find good/safe stuff to put on the site (live chat, html goodies etc....)
And that's all the job I need for people to do, If your interested in any of these things, send me a contact form on the "Contact me" page, and tell me your real name and your email address that you use regularly and the nick name is optional and of course the message of what you want to do. I'll try to contact you as fast as I can and tell you if you have the job or not. 

That's all :)