The details are now out! The Mario Marathon will be on next Monday,July 15th, at 5:00 PM MNT, or 7:00PM Eastern Time, or 4:00PM Pacific Time. I will be playing through a lot of Mario games, like Mario Bros 2, Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, and even more modern titles like Luigi's Mansion (which I consider a Mario game.) I will be streaming for at least 24 hours, but if more people come an watch, then I'll try to go longer.Last year it was on Ustream, but due to some technical difficulties, it will be on Twitch this year. This is the link to my Twitch channel, were it'll be at
Now with this new stream program I have, this marathon will be 10X better than last year's. There will be scrolling text, pictures popping up, and other neat things as well. Also the scrolling text bar will have what game I'm playing, what the next game I'll be playing, and a goal. What my goal is, is to have many people watch it. So for example let's say my goal is to get 25 people watching before I complete one of the games, If I reach that goal, then I'll do something crazy, like sing or something. One of the things with Twitch, is that I can't make chat open to the public, so to be able to chat, you'll either have to log into Twitch (if you have an account), or create an account, just to chat. So that's the only downfall to Twitch. I may be able to have 2 webcams this time around, but I'm not sure at this point. So be sure to check it out, and watch it and have fun! This will be way better than the first one, I can say that for sure! Also spread the word around the social networks. Share this post, share my uploaded YouTube trailer, and on Twitter, use Hastag #MarioMarathon2013 to spread it out! I hope to see you guys there! The trailer will be down below.